God Of War: Ragnarok has officially gone gold

The PlayStation-exclusive franchise that has recently come to PC has gone gold with its upcoming addition to the God Of War series. God Of War: Ragnarok has officially gone gold, and it’s a surprise because the game reached this position before release.

Although the game was set to release on the 9th of November, it has gone gold because of the highly skilled developers who’ve put their effort and talent to the best use. The developers of the game, Santa Monica Studios, extend their thanks to all their developers and employees who worked on the project. Even PS4 has extended their gratitude to the developers saying, “Great way to start a Freya’s-day. Congratulations!”

What Going Gold Means For A Video Game

It is a rare case that has occurred a few times since the name “Going Gold” was introduced. So it’s not surprising that more than half of the gaming community doesn’t understand the term.

Unlike music videos and records that go gold because of being sold the most, video games go gold when developers believe the game is ready to be sold publicly before the release date. As the game was set to release in late 2023, this has hyped the fans of God Of War and the entire gaming industry.

As always, the game will be released only on PS4 and PS5 as a Playstation exclusive, with its DLCs coming soon. As for a few leaks related to the game, there have been rumors about the gameplay being an almost 40 hours long story mode. Moreover, players have started to imagine their own endings after watching the gameplay trailer recently released by the developers.

The sequel has already won the 2020 Most Wanted Game and the Most Anticipated Game awards. Now that all eyes are set on the release of this AAA title next month, it is set to be a massive hit, hands down.

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