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Players can not disable crossplay between PC and Xbox in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released on 28th October, gaining massive attention from gamers due to its excellent campaign mode and visual aesthetics. Although recently, PC and Xbox players in this game discovered that there is no option to turn off the crossplay system in multiplayer mode.

Crossplay allows players to play with their friends from another platform. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has this feature for PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Some players prefer the crossplay option turned off, but PC and Xbox players can not do it to only play within their own platforms. However, Playstation players can turn off the crossplay option in CoD: MW2.

This issue may be an intentional design choice because the same problem persisted in Call of Duty: Warzone, where Xbox players had the option to turn off crossplay in the game setting, but they couldn’t join an online match without the game requiring the crossplay option to be turned on, which made the crossplay setting useless. However, PlayStation players could join an online match without any notice when crossplay was turned off in the setting. There is one alternative way for Xbox players to avoid encountering other platform’s players; they can turn off the option to play with people outside of Xbox live. PC players, however, don’t have any workaround for this unless there’s an update for the game in the future addressing this issue. Till then,  PC and Xbox players will have to face each other in online matches.

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